- Longing for the past
- Sadness and concern
- Choosing priorities
- Second stanza describes rural area as the setting, in quiet remote village
- Next, the persona describes a setting in a country in a state of chaos with people fighting each other
- Love which is separated by time and distance
- Peace, but in dying village
- Responsibility, even she migrate to the city, but still very concern about her brother who is unemployed
- Appreciation, she still appreciate the fluter and his flute
Are you still playing your flute?
When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.
- The persona is longing about her past in the village - she recalls the time she and the fluter, her beloved who likes to play a flute- The song from the flute is carried by the wind and touches her heart
- She felt guilty of yearning for his flute-playing
Are you still playing your flute?
In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice fields
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.
- The village now is quiet and deserted - probably because the youth migrated to the city for a better job
- Only the 'sick padi field' because of no attention and disease
- The village luxuries with nature = like watching the rain, evening ray, collecting drewdrops, fragrance flowers
Are you still playing your flute?
The more it disturbs my conscience
to be thinking of you
in the hazard of you
my younger brothers unemployed and desperate
my people disunited by politics
my friend slaughtered mercilessly
this world is too old and bleeding.
- The persona still longings about the melody of the flute, yet, she felt guilty thinking of him while her relatives and friends are in a war
- The highlights of political which has divided the people, violence has occurred
- And, it resulted to unemployment, people are disunited, killing and death
- The persona feels grief as the world is dying due to the problems - and hopes that the song of the flute can help her relief from the pain and suffering thinking all problems around her
1. The line that shows the condition of the village? = 'In the village so quiet and deserted'
2. Three phrases to show the action of playing flute
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
3. The village are deserted because = the youth are looking for a better job in the city
4. 'Longing' in Stanza 1 implies that = The persona wants to hear the flute song of the fluter, her lover, but she is in the city
5. Words related to the flute are; Bamboo, melody
6. The prove that the persona wants to hear the flute-playing = 'To be longing for your song'
7. Which line refers to the paddy fields are not productive? = Line 3 in stanza 2
8. 'While here it has become a luxury', Here means = It refers to where the persona is at present, most probably in a city or town
9. Give two examples of activities the persona considers a luxury? =
To spend time watching the rain Gazing at the evening rays
10. The persona's brothers are; unemployed, feeling desperate
11. Which line in Stanza 3 suggests violence? =my friend slaughtered mercilessly/Line 7
12. Two words to describe the world = Old, bleeding
13. In stanza 1, ' I am feeling guilty'. Why? = Because she longs to hear the song of the flute, but,she has more important things to do
14. In last stanza, two problems that concerns society presently are; Poverty, conflict
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