Which one is your manner practice?....

A man with perfect manners is like a feather in the midst of a bush. You may always meet a handsome man, then you said that he is really perfect. Can you imagine how perfect he is in front of his mother? Is he really a nice and perfect man in both side? Like a proverb that says, 'all cats are grey in the dark', you cannot judge he is a perfect man just because of his physical appearance. Indeed, perfect manners are a polite attitude, with a discipline and etiquette along the journey of his life.
A man with perfect manners not only acting at home or behind the wall, but in anywhere he goes, in the street, in the office, in the market, in the public as well as in hiding place. In the street, if you see a man who helps an old blind lady crossing the road without any hesitation, you can recognize a perfect manner man. Likewise, he is deserve to be a perfect manner man when he never litter and spit arrogantly on the street. The perfect manner man will concern about his attitude and courtesy everywhere he goes and will acts the same when he is alone.
Besides, the perfect man will conducts his actions well in the public as well as at home. No need to be hypocrite or own double face of the plate in order to live harmony in the society. When he goes to a market with his mother, he will helps his mother carry the basket without any feeling of shameful, even he feels so proud that he can help his mother. Next, he will always smiles to people around him and says soft words with the sellers. Without any doubt, you will see that everybody in the market who knows him will love to see him there again, and for sure his mother is the one who is content with him!
Furthermore, the perfect manners man also will care about his discipline towards his study, being good and responsible at all times, and never makes his mother cries over him. He knows that he is a son who wants to give a success as a gift for his parents, so he will never wasting his time with bad things outside. He will occupied his time wisely to score the best in his examination and to get better job to repay his parents' sacrifice. At the same time, he will be somebody who can get along well with friends and teachers at school. He likes to help his friends in the class, especially those who not really understand about certain topic discussed. Kindness, like grain, increase by sowing. He knows that he never lose anything by helping his friends.
Who is the best model for his perfect manners? As we know that 'the apple never falls far from the tree', so we can know immediately that his parents is the best model for his perfect manners. A good parents will educates and teaches their children perfectly according to the appropriate way of life. And, a good children will always listen and obey their parents at all times. Moreover, teachers at school also contribute to the built of a perfect manners. Being a good son and a good student is merely impossible for all men, but the best man will own a perfect manners.
In conclusion, perfect manners is like a mirror of ourselves. People will treat us according to how we conduct our life among them. If we have perfect manners, for sure we will live in harmony within our family and society. So, be a man with perfect manners, then everybody will loves you!
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