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Sunday, June 29, 2014

POEM; In The Midst of Hardship / 2014 target


At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but on their brows
there was not a sign of despair
They returned home very early in the morning - With their soaking wet, tattered. With their body scratched, small injured & get hurt - headed for a stove at the kitchen - without any sign of worries or lose hope  
Limbs; lengan,  brows; dahi,  despair; sedih, putus asa, putus harapan

The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son’s
albino buffalo that was never found
They were out for 24 hours -   in a big terrible flood -  surrounded by dead animals & parts of trees that had been destroyed by the flood
They desperately searched for their son's albino buffalo - but could not being found - may lost in the flood
Horrendous; dreadful, terrible  -   Tiny chips of tree barks; ranting2 kayu  
BLOATED CARCASSES - http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/

They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves
They were born into poverty and hardship  - they never complain about their suffer/their misfortune
Even, they can gathered at the kitchen after hard work  -  making jokes, laughter and smoking cigarette 


Thursday, June 26, 2014


Seingatku, gambar ini ku ambil ketika anak sulongku berumur 3 tahun
Sudah berapa tahun yang lalu
Itu lah kali pertama ayah dan ibu merasa makna 'makan angin' walaupun hanya di Melaka
Selama ini mereka hanya bekerja sahaja, kais pagi makan pagi kais petang makan petang

Sedari kecil aku memang sangat manja dengan ayahku
Aku selalu mengikutnya ke kebun getah
aku selalu dibawa minum teh di warung
apa yang aku nak ayah cuba penuhi walaupun ayah tiada duit
Ayah belikan aku dan adik2 baju walaupun baju ayah koyak
Ayah belikan kami selipar walaupun ayah tidak punya selipar
Yang paling aku sedih, ayah tidak sempat memakai 'kasut' seperti ayah orang lain

Ketika remaja, orang lain bercerita dengan ibu
Aku bercerita dengan ayah
Aku mengadu pada ayah
Balik ke asrama aku peluk ayah
Peluk ayah aku akan menangis
Aku membaca sampai larut malam, ayah akan buatkan kopi
ayah kata akan hilang mengantuk
Aku belajar di atas lantai papan dengan lampu pelita
ayah terbaring disebelahku berkeruh
menemani aku study, siapa ya yang tidak menangis mendengar dengkuran orang tua sebegitu

Ketika aku hendak masuk tidur, ayah lah yang pasangkan kelambu
Ayah lah yang pasangkan ubat nyamuk
Aku sakit perut ditengah malam, ayah lah yang bangun mencari ubat
Aku teringin hendak makan cucur kelapa muda
Ayah lah yang bingkas bangun mencari kelapa
Terhidang cucur kelapa panas dihadapanku
Aku balik dari kerja, ayah lah yang menmbancuh teh panas untukku

Itu lah ayah, yang selalu sibuk melayani kerenah anak2nya
tanpa sedikit pun sungutan
malah dia gembira bila anak makan hasil masakannya
ayah yang sabar, ayah yang tenang, ayah yang mengambil berat 
Dimana boleh kucari ganti lagi???

Malam itu, ayah menelefonku
Ayah kata amat rindu kepadaku
Sakit dadanya mendengar kisah pedih rumahtanggaku
Aku pulang juga dengan kerinduan...
Sampai ditengah malam, ayah bergegas kepintu
Sebaik saja nampak ayah, aku meluru kearahnya
Kutenggelam dalam tangisan dalam pelukan ayah
Ketika itu kurasa mengapa tubuh ayah dingin sekali, seperti ais
Kucium pipi ayah, kiri dan kanan
'Ampunkan dosaku ayah, ampunkan dosaku'
Aku meraung kerinduan dalam dada ayah

Sehari kuhabiskan masa bersama ayah, semua yang ayah biasa lakukan ketika aku kecil dia ulang lakukan dalam seharian itu
bancuh teh, makan lempeng bersama, pasangkan kelambuku, ubat nyamuk untukku
Sangat singkat cutiku, aku harus pulang bekerja
Ayah melihat keretaku,
Enjinnya pastikan elok! Pesan ayah
Jangan sedih, jumpa lelaki yang soleh nanti berkahwin lah, Pesan Ayah
Aku memandu pulang, ayah memerhati sehingga aku hilang daripada pandangannya
Pandangannya seolah kami tidak bertemu lagi

Sungguh bagai dikata
Panggilan daripada adik bagaikan petir dalam hidupku
Ayahku pergi secara tiba2
dalam ribaan Ibu 2 hari selepas kutinggalkan dulu

Owhhh..... airmataku bagaikan hujan seisi langit
Tubuhku lemah bagaikan ditimpa gunung
Ayah tempat kubermanja diambil pergi
Dalam senyuman dia tidur selamanya

Aku meraung lagi, kali ini dalam dakapan ibu
Tak dapat kuterima kenyataan ini
Hidupku gelab dan suram sekali

Lama aku diam, lama aku bertafakur
Aku ditinggalkan suami, sebulan kemudian aku ditinggalkan ayah 
Teringat Rasulullah mengalami 'Tahun kesedihan'
Hebatnya DugaanMU ALLAH
sedangkan aku tidak berdaya menghadapinya

Mengajarku mencariMu untuk secebis ketenangan
Dengan IzinMU tersangkut ku di negeri asing ini dalam perjalanan

Pandu lah aku Tuhan, Ketika tak punya sesiapa, aku punya ENGKAU sebagai pelindung dan tempaatku mengadu

AL-FATIHAH untuk arwah ayah kesayanganku.....

Ibu, engkau lah ratu hatiku
Engkau sentiasa dalam doaku
Sayang Ibu!!!!!!

2013 with love mom and sisters...............................


Ketika usiaku remaja, bagiku hidup ini mudah sahaja
Tiada masalah dunia yang menembusi fikiranku
Apa yang ku tahu hanya lah buku dan ilmu
Sementelah ku melihat titis peluh ayahku jatuh kebumi
ketika mengekori langkah dari sebatang pokok getah ke pokok yang lain

Aku tanam azam yang bulat
ayahku harus gembira dan bangga
kemiskinan ayah harus dibalas
Lalu, dengan berkah kerajinanku dan doa ayah ibu
Aku anak kampung itu yang pertama memijak kaki ke universiti
Bangganya ayah

Aku ingin seperti remaja yang lain, merasai kemeriahan alam remaja
bersama teman, sahabat dan rakan
Namun, mengapa jodohku begitu cepat menjengah
ketika aku masih belum mengerti apa maksud sebuah perkahwinan pun
Namun, kerana kasih pada ayah dan taatkan ibu
Aku akur, lalu aku bergelar isteri ketika baru melangkah ke alam universiti

Berkahwin tanpa kenal
Terkapai2 mencari apa makna cinta
Cuma ajaran ustaz dan ustazah menjadi panduan
ku belajar cara-cara menjadi isteri yang baik, yang solehah
Walau dalam airmata

Amat sukar jika tiada saling mengenali
susahnya bila tanpa cinta, yang ada hanya taat dan takutkan Tuhan
Mohon Tuhan beri kekuatan, agar bahagia hidup ini
Saban hari dengan doa, membilang saat tidak dikasihi
Yang ada hanya duduk bersama, tanpa rasa dihargai
Sukarkah menghargai diriku, anak-anakku
Hingga dugaan pula tiba
menguji sejauh mana kesetiaanmu, keteguhan kata-katamu
Pahitnya yang kutelan
Hanya kepada Allah kumerintih dengan airmata saban waktu

Begitu lah janjiNYA Tuhan
Kau pergi ketika ayah tempat kubermanja dipanggil Ilahi
Seperti hilang arah, tangisan hiba bagaikan taufan
Kau tinggalkan aku terkapai2, aku memang tidak secantik dia
Tapi ini lah diriku, tiada siapa dapat mengubah takdirku
Allah tempatku mengadu, bersandar mencari secebis kekuatan
menjadikan tembok tebal menutupi hatiku
membenci insan bernama lelaki
Lelaki yang suka bicara manis, ada agenda tersembunyi
Lelaki yang ingin mendekat hanya kerana nafsu gilanya
Lelaki pendusta, bercakap bohong, suka ambil kesempatan atas diri perempuan yang lemah
Lelaki tiada yang ikhlas, hanya inginkan badan, tiada niat kerana ALLAH, hanya kegilaan
Lelaki berbelit, hari ni lain esok lain, yang indah hanya topengan
menutupi kejahatan nya yang tersembunyi

Oh Allah Tuhanku, Kau lebih kenal diriku
Aku lah yang paling lemah lagi hina
Bantu lah aku, sokong lah aku, sayangi lah aku
Aku amat tidak berdaya tanpa MU


Which one is your manner practice?....



               A man with perfect manners is like a feather in the midst of a bush. You may always meet a handsome man, then you said that he is really perfect. Can you imagine how perfect he is in front of his mother? Is he really a nice and perfect man in both side? Like a proverb that says, 'all cats are grey in the dark', you cannot judge he is a perfect man just because of his physical appearance. Indeed, perfect manners are a polite attitude, with a discipline and etiquette along the journey of his life.

               A man with perfect manners not only acting at home or behind the wall, but in anywhere he goes, in the street, in the office, in the market, in the public as well as in hiding place. In the street, if you see a man who helps an old blind lady crossing the road without any hesitation, you can recognize a perfect manner man. Likewise, he is deserve to be a perfect manner man when he never litter and spit arrogantly on the street. The perfect manner man will concern about his attitude and courtesy everywhere he goes and will acts the same when he is alone.

               Besides, the perfect man will conducts his actions well in the public as well as at home. No need to be hypocrite or own double face of the plate in order to live harmony in the society. When he goes to a market  with his mother, he will helps his mother carry the basket without any feeling of shameful, even he feels so proud that he can help his mother. Next, he will always smiles to people around him and says soft words with the sellers. Without any doubt, you will see that everybody in the market who knows him will love to see him there again, and for sure his mother is the one who is content with him!

                Furthermore, the perfect manners man also will care about his discipline towards his study, being good and responsible at all times, and never makes his mother cries over him.  He knows that he is a son who wants to give a success as a gift for his parents, so he will never wasting his time with bad things outside. He will occupied his time wisely to score the best in his examination and to get better job to repay his parents' sacrifice. At the same time, he will be somebody who can get along well with friends and teachers at school. He likes to help his friends in the class, especially those who not really understand about certain topic discussed. Kindness, like grain, increase by sowing. He knows that he never lose anything by helping his friends.

               Who is the best model for his perfect manners? As we know that 'the apple never falls far from the tree', so we can know immediately that his parents is the best model for his perfect manners. A good parents will educates and teaches their children perfectly according to the appropriate way of life. And, a good children will always listen and obey their parents at all times. Moreover, teachers at school also contribute to the built of a perfect manners. Being a good son and a good student is merely impossible for all men, but the best man will own a perfect manners.

                In conclusion, perfect manners is like a mirror of ourselves. People will treat us according to how we conduct our life among them. If we have perfect manners, for sure we will live in harmony within our family and society. So, be a man with perfect manners, then everybody will loves you!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014


This is T-Money, so you can get cheaper rate for bus fare,subway, or even taxi

Strolling at Haeundae Beach, in Busan

Huh, in freezing cold without a make up, what the..........

Scenery from inside the bus.... back to the hotel.......

Uncle Kebab in BIFF, Busan Jagalchi Market

That night was last walking along BIFF.... No shopping, just find something to eat......

Going back to Malaysia.......... December 3,2013

Alhamdulillah, Allah the Almighty God gives me a wonderful chance and experience travel to Korea, lovely place to visit, and plan to visit Seoul again... NAMI ISLAND WAIT I WILL COME BACK!!!!



Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I am boring to stay at home alone like this. My good man of the house has  gone away visiting his mother in Perak. Coincidentally, I have a happy go lucky buddy who always ready to accompany me wherever I go. So, I called her over and we decided to hang  out at the  sandy white beach that blossom evening. We walked gently with hand in hand  on the wet young earth with frothy sea water smashing onto our feet. It is cold  refreshing water which seems to urge me to swim.............

Better to try your own now!


The cause of flood in my town are..................................
The advantage of being smart is........................................
A picture of the beach hanged on my room's wall
A photo of travelling to Korea still.........................................................
A need for money is..............................................................................
A rise in economic....................................................................................
An invitation to the ball is arranged by.........................................................
An answer to your questions.........................................................................
A difference between you and me is...............................................................
A relationship with him is beyond....................................................................

Better to practise them all in your writing

Sunday, June 15, 2014


-  Longing for the past
-  Sadness and concern
-  Choosing priorities

- Second stanza describes rural area as the setting, in quiet remote village
- Next, the persona describes a setting in a country in a state of chaos with people fighting each other

- Love which is separated by time and distance
- Peace, but in dying village
- Responsibility, even she migrate to the city, but still very concern about her brother who is unemployed
- Appreciation, she still appreciate the fluter and his flute


Are you still playing your flute?
When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.

-  The persona is longing about her past in the village - she recalls the time she and the fluter, her beloved who likes to play a flute

-  The song from the flute is carried by the wind and touches her heart

-   She felt guilty of yearning for his flute-playing


Are you still playing your flute?
In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice fields
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers. 

-  The village now is quiet and deserted - probably because the youth migrated to the city for a better job
-   Only the 'sick padi field' because of no attention and disease
-   The village luxuries with nature = like watching the rain, evening ray, collecting drewdrops, fragrance flowers

Are you still playing your flute?
The more it disturbs my conscience
to be thinking of you
in the hazard of you
my younger brothers unemployed and desperate
my people disunited by politics
my friend slaughtered mercilessly
this world is too old and bleeding.

-   The persona still longings about the melody of the flute, yet, she felt guilty thinking of him while her relatives and friends are in a war
-   The highlights of political which has divided the people, violence has occurred
-   And, it resulted to unemployment, people are disunited, killing and death
-   The persona feels grief as the world is dying due to the problems - and hopes that the song of the flute can help her relief from the pain and suffering thinking all problems around her

1.   The line that shows the condition of the village? = 'In the village so quiet and deserted'
2.   Three phrases to show the action of playing flute
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers

3.   The village are deserted because = the youth are looking for a better job in the city
4.   'Longing' in Stanza 1 implies that =  The persona wants to hear the flute song of the fluter, her lover, but she is in the city 
5.   Words related to the flute are;  Bamboo, melody
6.   The prove that the persona wants to hear the flute-playing =  'To be longing for your song' 
7.   Which line refers to the paddy fields are not productive? = Line 3 in stanza 2
8.   'While here it has become a luxury', Here means =  It refers to where the persona is at present, most probably in a city or town
9.   Give two examples of activities the persona considers a luxury? = 
To spend time watching the rain  Gazing at the evening rays

10.   The persona's brothers are;  unemployed, feeling desperate
11.   Which line in Stanza 3 suggests violence? =my friend slaughtered mercilessly/Line 7
12.   Two words to describe the world =  Old, bleeding
13.   In stanza 1, ' I am feeling guilty'. Why? = Because she longs to hear the song of the flute, but,she has more important things to do
14.   In last stanza, two problems that concerns society presently are; Poverty, conflict


Kepada pesakit Diabetis. Pada hari raya kedua saya beraya di rumah pak cik saya yang temankan saya menunaikan haji dalam tahun 1992. Dia baru balik dari keluar Tabligh. Dalam pertemuan singkat itu, sempat lah mendengar "ceramah" beliau tentang penyakit. Menurut beliau, walaupun dari segi perubatan moden, sakit kencing manis itu hanya boleh dikawal, namun tidak boleh sembuh, namun dari segi perubatan Islam, penyakit itu tetap ada penawarnya. Dan betul seperti janji Allah, " Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya kecuali kematian". Beliau memaklumkan, untuk merawat kencing manis, perlu dirawat pankerias kerana kerosakannya menyebabkan tidak dapat merembeskan insulin secara normal. Caranya adalah dengan mengambil sebiji buah tomato yang cukup masak (merah). potongkannya dan blend dengan sesudu teh yis (mauripan) dicampur dengan secawan air (air jangan banyak sangat, sebab kalau tomato besar akan menjadi banyak sangat dan sukar untuk dihabiskan). Juga perlu diminum segera sebaik buah tomato dikisar kerana jika dibiarkan, gelembung yis akan memenuhi cawan dan susah untuk meminumnya. Buat 3 hari berturut2, kemudian dos boleh dikurangkan....Perkara ini telah dicuba kepada ibu saudara saya ketika admit di Hospital Putrajaya, kaki beliau yang bengkak susut dan tidak perlu dibedah..semuga anda semua mendapat manafaat dari perkongsian ini. Semuga cepat sembuh..amin...

~~~Disalin dari wall facebook rakan saya, dipersilakan SHARE jika ianya dapat memberi manafaat~~~


Sebab x banyak masa aku nak mengajar mereka di sekolah - aku fikir nak kumpulkan mereka together dan banyak masa bersama untuk belajar sambil having fun and release tension sebab cuti sekolah
Dan, kami pergi ke sebuah homestay di Bachok dr 12-14 Jun yang lalu

Mula-mula aku bimbang jugak, ya lah, aku nak mengajar lagi, nak masak lagi - cukup ke masa dan tenaga aku nie.. Aku berdoa kpd ALLAH agar dipermudahkan urusanku 3 hari itu, mudah2an aku dapat mengajar anak2 muridku dgn baik dan mereka faham apa yang aku sampaikan 

Syukur lah... mereka bagi kerjasama yg baik, yg girls sangat rajin tolong aku didapur,. sangat bersyukur....

Tangga naik ke bilikku di tingkat atas - seperti tangga kearah kejayaan mereka.....

Dua orang girls yang sangat sporting, nice, membantu aku didapur dgn rajin.... thanks lot ya dear....

Sarapan ringkas jer....... lepas sarapan nie mereka akan belajar - ala2 macam kt rumah sendiri lah

 Malam akhir tu mereka nak bakar ayam - aku join sekali, practise jadi tukang bakar ayam......

Ini sesi mereka boys main bola di pantai - 500 meter dr homestay tu

Tak dapat main kt pantai, kat halaman rumah pun jadi, mujur tak pecah cermin kete....

Macam ada liga jer style mereka main - mujur xda yang demam......

Rajin dua orang boys ni bakar ayam - yang lain tak tahu lah g mana......

Kenangan di malam ayam bakar.... sicomel dan sihensem.....

Sicute and sihandsome boys..... 

 Esok paginya, ke pantai lagi, all of us.......

Candid camera lah nie.....

Habis mandi pantai sesi belajar lah pulak,........

Belajar secara santai,... x formal mcm kt sekolah.......

Muga apa yang aku sampaikan drpd sezarah yg KAU pinjamkan Ya Allah
mereka dapat faham, terang hati mereka, KAU mudahkan mereka kearah kejayaan
KAU tolong mereka dalam dewan peperiksaan
berkah apa yang kusampaikan
lancar mereka menulis, banyak idea yang KAU ilhamkan kpd mereka