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Friday, May 9, 2014


He had such quiet eyes
She did not realise
They were two pools of lies
Layered with thinnest ice
To her, those quiet eyes                                                LYING/DECEIT
Were breathing desolate sighs
Imploring her to be nice
And to render him paradise

If only she'd been wise
And had listened to the advice
Never to compromise                                                        REGRET/REMORSE
With pleasure-seeking guys
She'd be free from "the hows and whys"

Now here's a bit of advice
Be sure that nice really means nice
Then you'll never be losing at dice                                            ADVICE
Though you may lose your heart once or twice 


He had such quiet eyes - Looks innocent / Nampak baik

She did not realise - The girl unaware / budak perempuan tu tak sedar@perasan

They were two pools of lies - that the man actually a liar / yang lelaki itu sebenarnya penipu

Layered with thinnest ice - Because of the layer of his eyes, looks cool as a real nice man! / sebab dilapisi oleh kedinginan ais@ sejuk mata  
memandang dia tu

To her, those quiet eyes 

Were breathing desolate sighs 
  - She looks at him loneliness with sympathy, like really lonely and need care and attention / Bagi budak perempuan tu, mata lelaki tu minta
 dikasihani, terasing,perlukan perhatian, jagaan dan kasih sayang  

Desolate = Depressed

Imploring her to be nice  - which attract her to do nice thing for him / seperti memujuk dia untuk buat baik/berlembut hati

Imploring = Begging

And to render him paradise  -  until she fell into his tricky ecstasy and caught in trouble / hingga terpedaya dan ditimpa masalah

If only she'd been wise   - If she clever by not believe in a man blindly, she will not been betrayed by him / Kalau lah dia bijak

And had listened to the advice - And listened to the advice told by old / Dan dengan nasihat orang tua-tua

Never to compromise - not to easily follow / obey or render / supaya tak mudah bertolak-ansur dan menyerahkan diri

With pleasure-seeking guys - with a playboy / dengan lelaki gatal@penipu

She'd be free from "the hows and whys" 

- for sure she will be safe from hassle and bad conditions & will not asking why she'd being cheated / Mesti dia akan selamat/bebas drpd segala yang tidak diingini dan tidak akan tanya kenapa dia ditipu

Now here's a bit of advice  - Now an advice / sekarang ada satu nasihat kecil

Be sure that nice really means nice - Make sure nice is really nice / Pastikan baik tu betul2 baik/bukan pura-pura baik

Here, meaning, 1) 'be careful before getting involved in a relationship with a man'
2) 'knowing him well'
3) 'can differentiate bet. sincere and falsehood

Then you'll never be losing at dice =  So, you will never defeat or regret / Jadi, kamu tak akan menyesal dan kalah dalam perjudian ini

4) Eventually you will get the right man though you may lose your heart a few times before that

Though you may lose your heart once or twice 

- Even you would get heartbroken, its okay
 compared to being cheated by shrewd guy 
 / Tak mengapa kamu putus cinta beberapa kali / berbanding ditipu dan 
 diperdaya oleh lelaki tak guna itu

Teacher uses simple term so you can understand better Okay!

Moral values;
  •       Girls must protect dignity and virtue in any situation given
  •       One must be wise in choosing life partner
  •       Must listen to advice given by elderly especially parents
  •       Be careful of an unhealthy relationship
  •       Do not easily believe the coolness of man
  •       It is wrong to deceive others
  •       Avoid from 'pleasure seeking guy'


1.   The persona did not realize ................................................................. about the man's eyes
       Answer ; they were two pools of lies

2.   'Quiet' in the poem can be replaced by ; sad

3.   To the persona, the man's eyes show loneliness

4.   The eyes were breathing and imploring

5.   The persona regrets that she ; did not listen to good advice

6.   'hows and whys' shows the persona is regretful

7.   Who is giving the advice?
       Answer ; the poet. The poet gives an advice to the persona.

8.   'Losing at dice' is normally associated with ; gambling

9.   'Lose your heart' means = Fall in love

10.   Compromise = Agree

11.   In stanza 1, we know that the boy has ; captivated the girl with his eyes

12.   The look does he gives her is; Innocent

13.   'Two pools of lies' = Deceptions / penipuan

14.   From stanza 1, we can conclude that ; the persona (the girl) has fallen in love

15.    She'd be free from 'the hows and whys' implies that the person is full of regret

16.   Best word describe the persona in stanza 2 is ; Naive

17.   The persona trying to sy in stanza 3 is about ; Be careful in a relationship

Dedicated to; Nur Firdaus, Firdaus, Aiman Hakim, Muhaimin, Aki, Arradi, 
                      Alin, Cikin, Dayah, Murni, Not forget to Latif and Hakim


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