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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


         I missed this hometown. How long I left this small hometown working as a nurse in the east of this country, a strange place for a single bachelor like me. 'What the matter?', someone was tapping on my shoulder gently softly. My mom was there, with her smile which is always encouraging me to be strong. 'Nothing mom, I just missed this place, remember the moment I grown up here', I turned and hugged my mom with tears dripping on my eye lid. 'Owhh honey, please do not cry, let's go to morning market with me, we cook something special today!', I just nodded and kissed on her wrinkled cheek.

          Here is the popular morning market in my hometown. Goods from the hills, fields, small rivers stacked by the roadside, on the ground, a surprising abundance. The rows of tropical colourful fruits attracted my intention, Oppss, with my mouth watering. The seller is just as old as my late father. Owhhh.. I missed my father again! 'Uncle, how much is that?' I pointed to a soft spiky red rambutan on the top of the pallet in his stall. 'only RM4 a kilo!', he put a kilo of rambutan into a small plastic bag and gave to me with smile. I gave him a green note of RM5. 'no need a change uncle, please!' I ready to go when the seller grabbed my hand, and there is another bunch of rambutan. What to say! I felt so touching and immediately I grasped my mom's hand tightly.189 WORDS.

         Then, we continued our strolling along the busy market on that sunny morning, to the corner where all fishmongers gathered there waiting for their customers. At one small obsolete stall, I saw a very old woman whose body is already bent sat on the ground. There was a small stack of 'kangkung' and okra in front of her, with several blue notes of RM1. Huhuhu... whose mother is this old lady? How could her children let her sit there instead of resting at sofa in the house? I moaned with a cloud of tears inside my chest. 'Mom, why don't we buy all her 'kangkung'?, we invite grandma and uncle to eat lunch with us, uncle and Azam like 'kangkung' crazily mom, is it okay? My mom stopped walking, turn to me. I nodded with a pity face. My mom stepped towards the old lady as I expected. 'How much all that 'kangkung' auntie?' The old lady looked up, I could see her dull and tired eyes. 'RM7 only dear!' Her voice was weak and helpless. 'Never mind mom, here my money, no change mom!' I took out my only note left in my small red purse, RM20. 'Why it is so big?' The old lady refused. 'It's okay auntie, may be you will need it for something after this, thank you!' My mom took a small plastic bag of 'kangkung' from her shivering hand, and walked away from the stall, I just followed my mom's step towards the fishmongers corner without looking at the old 'nenek' anymore. I could not bear!.

            I could not bear myself strolling along the morning market. Do you know why? This is because all of them selling their goods there not to build a high Mall, or to buy a sophisticated BMW, but to earn their daily living. How much they get from business in the morning market like that? They are not a rich people, not a businessman or businesswoman with big capital to run a shop or hypermarket. They just villagers, a hardworking villager who has farming their crops in the backyard, or a small farm at the foothills. Also, they hope for a lucrative morning market to schooling their children or grandchildren, for utility bills they have to pay like us. What a pity life of villagers like them, like that old lady! So, in spite of shopping at the hypermarket or big giant shopping Mall, we can strolling and shopping here for our kitchen's need, for our fridge's content, for our family meal, even we can get cheaper price here right? 

            At the end of my strolling there, I................................................................................



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