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Thursday, May 1, 2014


I have this picture by sharing it from my FB friend,... once I saw this picture, my tears running down my cheek, as a heavy rain outside of my house. I saw an old man, but strong inside, his inner with light of the truth, never fade away by his old and weak body. His ideas, his teaching, his advices is like pure water for our thirsty throat. People still need him, we still need him, as the best leader ever...

Personally I am very touching seeing this picture, even always peeking from my window looking t him, looking at his unenergetic but strong inside walking from the mosque to their house.. If 2 years ago, we can see tok guru jogging around his house, but now, its no more!. My memory flies to my late father, I miss my late father very much...

In Islam, it is not compulsory for woman to go to the mosque, but still, I used to go just to pray behind him as a makmum, listening to his kulliah,. sweet memory of mind in his mosque.. peace and tranquility is there..

Hope still here, with a pray ' O Allah, the Almighty please give my Tok guru a strenght and healthy body, protect him wherever he is, and You are the best protector for him and all mankind....ameen, ameen'

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